Dealing with requests of almost any kind has never been easier...

Got 3 minutes to spare? Give our service a try.
Everything is free, no registration, and immediately ready for you to use.

Fixatio app

Enter a trial request

Download the Fixatio app on Google Play for Android or on the AppStore for iOS.
Fixatio app na app storeFixatio app na google store
Launch the application and start by pressing the “+ New request” button.
Scan the QR code on the left. This determines the site and device for the given request.

Select what’s going on

Enter any request you want. You can:
  • Add photos
  • Enter a short description of the request
  • Select a category
  • Set a degree of urgency
  • Fill in a contact and stay informed about the course of work
You can enter several requests at once. Don’t be afraid to try everything out.
* Requests are saved in our demo account, which we erase every two hours.
Fixatio app demo
Fixatio app demo

Try out our service as a team manager

Our clients today save an average of 75% of their time spent on managing people in maintenance, construction and services.

Enter the following login data:

  • User name: demo
  • Password: Demo123
Note: The login form can be found in the “My account” tab under “Log in with name and password”.
After logging in, you can handle requests in various manners; change their status, pass them on to repairmen, or take on the task yourself.

The service is available on all devices

In addition to mobile devices, the service is also available via web-based interfaces.
The web interface provides full service management throughout the whole organization. We’re happy to offer a free and fully-functional 30-day trial version without contracts.
For operation, your organization doesn’t need any software, servers or employees to take care of it.
Fixatio app demo

Simplify management and heighten productivity.

Start with a consultation and expand gradually.

    We'll never share your data with anyone else.